Hello there!
Welcome to the international showcase of writers from all walks of life!
Today it’s my pleasure to present poetry by Varun Amatya. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Comments from Varun:
I am 34 years old and I write from Kathmandu, a city located in Nepal. I am a Phd. candidate majoring in Development Administration Field. I have spent many years of nights in thoughts until the sun would rise. These stories in my head range from personal development to human and nation’s development. Through the medium of poetry, I was able to express my expectation from my surrounding environment and my hope for an even better world. I write to either express myself – to myself, or other times to spread a message to others who are like me and sometimes even lost in this lonely world. Today, I wrote a poem to express the need for freedom in our individual life. Freedom from work, expectations of family and the control to drive our life in our own happy manner. With this poem I wished we all had the choice to work in our own pace rather than the pace required by the outside business platform. It is about a poet’s day-dream to feel free like a bird with the whole sky as its playing field
Creative Drive is an international podcast produced by J. Alejandro to bring visibility to poets from all walks of life.
Now accepting 3 poems or flash fiction! https://cruzfolio.com/you/
Acepto poesia y relatos cortos en español! https://cruzfolio.com/fuerza-creativa/
For more information about the podcast, visit https://cruzfolio.com/creative-drive-podcast/