Hi there!
Today we are thrilled to present A Flash Memoir (Lebensborn, Avrum, Pandemic) by Miriam Sagan!
I’m Miriam Sagan, poet and writer. I founded and now run the creative writing program at Santa Fe Community College. Most recent books are MAP OF THE LOST (UNM Press) and SEVEN PLACES IN AMERICA (Sherman Asher). I’m working on site specific poetry installations.
For Miriam’s extraordinary content, please visit: http://miriamswell.wordpress.com
A few words from Miriam about the work:
This is a flash memoir. Why I put off difficult material until I was 66 years old and in lockdown in a pandemic…I do not know. Will it be published? I can’t predict. But I’m working on it anyway! My most recent published memoir Bluebeard’s Castle (Red Mountain, 2019) is about my near death experience as a young woman and my difficult fascinating activist father, who was on Nixon’s Enemies List. Hope you enjoy. I am not that focused on what I’ve overcome, but here is what helped me– feminism, Buddhism, bodywork, love, painting, music, community, landscape, the young, solitude, and pickled things in jars from farmers’ markets.
Narration by Madelyn Cruz
Original music by descheveler
Creative Drive is an international podcast produced by J. Alejandro to bring visibility to poets and writers from all walks of life. If you have a sec, please SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW this labor of love, and don’t forget to tell your writer friends! Your support helps us tremendously!
Or you can support by purchasing J. Alejandro’s poetry collection!
Now accepting 3 poems or flash fiction! https://cruzfolio.com/you/
Acepto poesia y relatos cortos en español! https://cruzfolio.com/fuerza-creativa/
For more information about the podcast, visit https://cruzfolio.com/creative-drive