CD67 | Poems by Januário Esteves #2

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Welcome to Creative Drive! Today we feature poetry by Januário Esteves!

More from the author here:

About: Januário Esteves was born in Coruche and was raised near Costa da Caparica,
Portugal. He graduated in electromechanical installations, uses the pseudonym Januanto and writes poetry since the age of 16. In 1987 he published poems in the Jornal de Letras, and participated over the years in some collective publications. Recently published in the Brazilian magazine Musa Rara, in the American magazine EIGHTEENSEVENTY.POETRY.BLOG, in the Brazilian Revista LiteraLivre, in the Romanian magazine Poesis, in the australian review Otoliths, in the american review BlazeVox, in the american magazine Harbinger Asylum, in the liberian Ducor Review, in the Indian Taj Mahal Review, in the american review The Writing Disorder, in the Brazilian review Acrobata in the Brazilian magazine Mallamargens, in the american magazine JMWWBlog, in the romanian magazine ScarletLeaf Review, in the 4th Literary Competition of the Vieira da Silva Editions, in the Indian magazine LiteraryYard, in the american magazine Spillwords, in the Brazilian magazine Revista entre poetas & poesias, in the American magazine Free Verse Revolution, in the portuguese review Athena, in the brazilian review Arara, in the English magazine Lothlorien Poetry Journal, in the american review Bezine, in the american review Adelaide Literary Magazine, in the American magazine Archive – the collaborative , in the Indian magazine INNSÆI, International Journal of Creative Literature for Peace and Humanity, in the american blog, in the american review ACADEMY OF THE HEART AND MIND, in the mauritian the Pangolin Review, in the Indian magazine The Criterion, in the american magazine Dreginald, in the american magazine Fevers of the mind, in the indian magazine Wordweavers, in the american review Starline of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association.

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Read and Produced by J. Alejandro

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