Marc Isaac Potter | 2 Poems


I spray snow

at my 9-year-old son.

I love him.
He is trying to find himself.

The clouds bring the snow
So we can play

Clouds and Clowns

The volume of my birthday is wrenching.
It’s that … my daughter and I have the same birthday
… it’s a birthday … show …. when my birthday happens
it happens it’s also her birthday with her friends the French.

She’s just a young lady of 11

The clouds are scary.
They remind me of clowns.

I asked her could please not have clowns and she said, OK daddy
I just got back from the hospital.
I was in the psychiatric ward.

Marc Isaac Potter (we/they/them) …  is a differently-abled writer living in the SF Bay Area.  Marc’s interests include blogging by email and Zen. They have been published in Fiery Scribe Review, Feral A Journal of Poetry and Art,  Poetic Sun Poetry, and Provenance Journal. Twitter is @marcisaacpotter.


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