S.T. Brant | 3 Poems

Gnostic Adonis Speaks

Adam and Eve – combative vitalities. Adam: heroic vitality, unblemishable innocence, naïve, arrogant, immune to the fall: Every Place is Paradise.

Eve: tragic vitality. Unresponsive to falling. Disregards falling. Knows herself undiminishable in spirit. Overly conscious of the inevitable: diminishment of life, even in Eden.

They love beyond love’s horizons, each other, yet the strength of that love is the foil of love.

Fruitful in Eden. Eve attended on the blooms from vines, spoke to sinuous, spinescent vine that flowered and agreed to take on an effervescence of her own; she turned gravid. Begins multiplicity.

Copiously sensual, Adam and Eve.


Lucid tabernacle.


Through contrasts, a dog’s dream, consciousness.
Have this world, the erudite, though I have all creation. Interiority so vicious it scars Heaven.

The sky, umbrella of fire, diffusive shadow lined, opens a horizon luridly.

Lucious kataland. In inferno’s garden I weep at Eden’s feet.

God-Tinted Oblivion

Questions are the fire
of the heart;
the death.

Heart of leaves.
Prometheus eglantine.
The insensate capitulation
to time out of time.

Fate. The bow
of time to tie

the tossed off bedsheet
of the lord.
To promote the deserts
from flat inglory
to purgatory minor.
God’s in the crown
of experience,

the horse comes over
the hill in fire
the horse passes
the striding sun.


with no memory or mercy-
with no necessity-
with no melody-
impetuous, disastrous, tenderness-
with no destiny.

I love everything.
The soul of an artist.
I love everything with the soul of an artist. The soul of art
that demands, exactly, everything.

S. T. Brant is a Las Vegas high school teacher. His debut collection Melody in Exile will be out in 2022. His work has appeared in numerous journals including Honest Ulsterman, EcoTheo, Timber, and Rain Taxi. You can reach him on his website at ShaneBrant.com, Twitter: @terriblebinth, or Instagram: @shanelemagne


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