Ryan Stephen Thornton | White Sage Smoke for the Perpetually Overwhelmed

Unspooled against the crack of my knuckles,
Locking my wrist as it shakes it from me

I’m untethered, my mind drifts away,
Not even the slightest breeze can unsettle me,
How do I creep back down?

Something pops from nowhere, it’s a tailspin out here, waiting for the dust to settle, still watching the days go by, I’m baby beyond

Ground control to.. hello?

Sorrow is a tearing kite,
& I don’t know how to come back


Ryan Stephen Thornton is a bisexual poet, writer & performance maker from York, UK, previously published in Hearth & Coffin, Powders Press, & Impostor Journal, with upcoming publications in Cape Magazine. He is currently studying a PhD in Theatre & Performance at York St John University.

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