Rocky Road Cruise-Control

So Gerry’s exhausted all
our ice cream remedies
(as well as yourself)
advertised to mitigate–if
not eliminate old man’s
–urinary frequency
but still wake up at night
way too much so when
light bulb dribbles on
I take snapshot of phone
number on truck ahead
of me, then plan
to consult that plumber
…desperately hoping
am nada sham.

Domestic Terrorism Pulverizes All Drooly Libidos
Perhaps Ger’s imagination more than memory
But oh seems there are a lotta valuable things
That’ve got dropped on this street these days
Might offer care & kindness to the destitute
Beyond us other people’s obvious vanities
Include hometown ball caps + neck gaiters
As well as some balaclavas left over from
Our most recent annual Antifa gathering
Which devolved into vandalism, being
Just generally creepy, uxorious A-hole
Trespassers, weenie stalkers’ behavior
Wearing those plastic shower covers
We used to dye hair orange or yellow
Dumb jokers been scalded in process
If they can’t haggle plummier goods
While I mind my biz walking dog.

Poet, aphorist, humorist or sometimes meanderist; Gerard Sarnat‘s a multiple Pushcart/Best of Net Award nominee. His work’s been widely published; including four collections; by The Nature of Our Times/Poets For Science, Brooklyn Review, Tokyo Poetry Journal, Gargoyle, New Delta Review, Buddhist Review, New York Times, Oberlin, Northwestern, Yale, Pomona, Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Brown, North Dakota, McMaster, Maine, British Columbia/Toronto/Chicago and Virginia university presses. He’s a Harvard Medical School-trained physician, Stanford professor, healthcare CEO. Currently, he’s devoting energy and resources to dealing with climate justice, serving on Climate Action Now’s board. Gerry’s been married since 1969 and has three kids, six grandsons — and looks forward to future granddaughters.
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