Category: coalitionworks2
Andrea Damic | Story + Photography
Andrea Damic | Story + Photography When Alone Reticent they stand in the dark secluded rooms. Empty eyes stare into space, miles away, revealing nothing. […]
Ivan de Monbrison | 2 Poems
A Ghost The earth is bleeding it’s not you who’s speaking there are fruits in the branches of the tree there is a silhouette sleeping […]
Elise Forslund | 3 Poems
Elise Forslund | 3 Poems Litany of My Humiliations after Erika L. Sanchez I spent my thirteenth year as a pillar of salt. Sitting on […]
Aaliyah Anderson | A Poem
The Critique And maybe the sublime doesn’t work. I’m sure goblins whisper to me. I say, some painters don’t think. You blink and […]
Screams of Unfettered Minds | 3 Poems
Screams of Unfettered Minds | 3 Poems Monkey Speak DON’T TALK, JUST ACT Apply the walk, don’t be a dork Put together you’ll survive any […]
Caleb James K. | 2 Poems
Caleb James K. | 2 Poems Urban Petting Zoo We don’t leave home much these days too dangerous with the […]
Christina Chin / Mystic Poet Collaboration
Christina Chin / Mystic Poet Collaboration twists of a flint an electric dark bending thoughts towards the divine late return of her smile […]
Ivan de Monbrison | 2 Poems (Russian)
Призрак Земля в крови а не ты говоришь, на ветвях дерева плоды, в тени дерева есть силуэт, который спит в тени дерева и который на […]
Leslie Cairns | 2 Stories
Leslie Cairns | 2 Stories The Sphinx Withdrawal I watch a Sphynx cat at my pet sitting job: unapologetically without fur, gentleness; wise in the […]
Rose Malana | Anticipatory Grief
Rose Malana | Anticipatory Grief Perhaps, Angie thought, the universe is stored in the rat. Then, as quickly as she had the thought, she brushed […]