coalitionworks winter 2022

winter 2022


Edward Lee
Andrea Damic
Mamta Wathare

Editor’s Note:

Hi friends,

I’m thrilled to share with you the winter issue of coalitionworks. Our second issue! This journal is brand new. For me, part of the delight of this process has been to analyze how the work featured in these pages is sculpting and sometimes, redefining what coalitionworks is supposed to be. The myriad poetry forms, microfiction, and visual art in this issue reveal their existential afflictions ever so boldly. These works of art channel their defiance at the indifference of the cosmos through technical prowess, deep sense of imagery, and sometimes as an energetic raw scream into the abyss, which I always appreciate.

I’m proud to say that this issue features experienced writers, those at the beginning of their artistic journey, and those in the middle. As you will see, there is room for anyone who chooses to rage against the dying of the light. There is mettle yet in the sentiment, tired as the lines may be. I’d like to thank every contributor of this beautifully chaotic assortment for their courage to confront our place in the universe with joy or rage or strangeness on the page. Most importantly, I want to thank you, dear writers, for turning these complex afflictions into glorious glorious art.

And dear reader: Enjoy!


Jaime Alejandro
coalitionworks EIC


E.J. Nash | Handbook of Grief

Ivan de Monbrison | 2 Poems: English Version | Russian Version

Leslie Cairns | 2 Stories

Aaliyah Anderson | The Critique

Anam Tariq | The Sunset Story

Salem Void | 2 Poems

Andrea Damic | Story + Photography

Rose Malana | Anticipatory Grief

Bryce Johle | 3 Poems

Howie Good | 2 Poems

Edward Lee | Visual Art

Ignatius Valentine Aloysius | 3 Poems

Douglas Colston | 3 Poems

Elise Forslund | 3 Poems

Jerome Berglund | 3 Poems

Aimée Eicher | 3 Poems

Mamta Wathare | 2 Poems + Visual Art

Aman Mangha | Drabble

Christina Chin / Mystic Poet Collaboration

Anthony Sposato | 3 Poems

Isabelle B.L. | Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Screams of Unfettered Minds | 3 Poems

Caleb James K. | 2 Poems