coalitionworks #8
unreasonable silence | how i decorate myself | infinity ribbons
still, i am the reasonable one, yes.
reasonable as sky bound echoes who clutch at nothing to slow themselves down.
as a kid i explained infinity to myself like this. to live is to grow light enough to float, yes. yet this open chasm all around said nothing
like a stale house would, walls much too far apart to see at all. a pass through only lightleak house, empty of direction save upward.
empty everything so nothing to see. like i said, time spills out of us like lead anyway, hence the rising. i reasoned no heaven or hell between my temples, no:
only this coke bottle black wherein we suspend like fly in drink. still, i imagined fluttering up from bottle bottom to forever cresting bottle mouth
and once there would yearn for a summit kiss before divine lips sipped me up for good. me and the echoes, out of bottom bottle past. out of this black.
and into another, perhaps. or maybe i had a rope in my pocket all along like some infinity ribbon to pull my own self to heavenly peaks and out for good, yes.
even chiquillos sound reasonable against silence.