Hiram Larew | Every Tooth

Off trees thick with crowing
With every sound left open
From here to snow-gone hills
From here to where branches meet
From here to those turned over shoes
In the corner
How far will you go
And how long will you itch me

Bread is bread
So right down to its waving
I even taste you turning the corner
Becoming everyone else
Then disappearing

I tend to take too much for granted —
You’d become a buttered slice of my silence

So here goes nothing —
Let me scoot out to the point of could
Where snow really starts
So that someone like you can
Blow all around me

And so what I deem as timeless
Follows you forever with shivers

But wait there’s more —
Look out
Because this all feels accidental
Not likely

In fact this would be a devil’s dream
Anywhere else

For instance when I imagine you as yesterday
With shrugs and your galaxy of eyes
All of my teeth just want to cheat so much

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